The Author
Karrie’s calling to put thoughts to pen came at an early age when she began composing and reciting poetry for school programs, church pageants, greeting cards, and ultimately her own books.
On a cold winter morning, I said to my youngest daughter, “When Mommy dies, I want you to take all the journals in my closet and hope chest and publish them. You will be rich!” She responded, “Mom, that’s morbid, publish your own books while you yet live and you can be rich.” Well, I’m not wealthy yet, but the books I have published are rich with wisdom, revelation, enlightenment, and insight.”
Prayers, Poems, and Promises is a memoir of words that the author could not audibly articulate, expectations of hope grounded in her faith, and expressions of untapped emotions of the mind, body, and soul. In her third project, Karrie Jackson eloquently shows you how to passionately pray with confident hope, transparently speak with conviction, and unwaveringly believe God for the promises. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful" (Hebrews 10:23 NKJV).

In her second project, Mrs. Jackson continues the quest of leading women to embrace the promises of God through prayer and fasting. You will weep, rejoice, and laugh as you hear the miraculous testimonies of the women who were empowered to walk by faith. Volume 2 gives tips on how to build a team of intercessors to fast and pray and provides a 30-day strategic plan including a fasting calendar. This is a book every Christian group should have for their prayer ministry.
Have you ever been given an assignment that seems impossible? Karrie Jackson faced this dilemma when she was charged to rebuild, restore, and revive a women's ministry of one state that would impact an entire region. In the spirit of Nehemiah this warrior leader fought through adversity to achieve what many believed to be an unlikely victory. Reverend Jackson’s written debut demonstrates how prayer and fasting while walking on a specific territory can destroy strongholds and dismantle the works of the enemy.

Elder Brenda Clark-Dandridge, MA
Victorious Counseling Services & Victim to Victory Ministries - Denver, CO
The anointing of the Holy Ghost on this work birthed out of travailing prayer, will catapult your spirit into heavenly strategies for your LIFE! Min Jackson’s passion for God and His people are evident in the words of this devotional for she has captured the essence of submission to God through the discipline of prayer and fasting WHILE walking!
You will be blessed as she ushers you into the presence of God and I encourage you to be prepared for transformation IF YOU WILL receive it!
Dr. Valda Hilton
Word of Deliverance Ministries - Cincinnati, OH
In a day and time when the spiritual disciplines to Fast & Pray are practically non-existing,
Karrie Jackson has tapped into the mind of GOD and birthed another anointed and exuberant, yet practical prayer strategy to dismantle the kingdom of darkness. Whether you are a veteran or new Believer, this prayer manual is a MUST read as it will inspire your prayer life and build your faith.
Elder Stephanie D. Hall
Chief Ministry Officer, True Nation Church - Orlando, FL
Prayer Walk Fast Volume 2 is chock full of reasons to remain tenacious and determined once we KNOW God has given us an assignment! The challenge to take on the same assignment in a different season of your life is both admirable and encouraging to say the least. Fortunately, Elder Karrie Jackson said yes to God and saw the challenge through until the end, which resulted brought all the Glory to God! This book will be a blessing to you as you read and discover all the inspiring testimonials, prayers and revelation God gave this great woman of God.